I received a request from fellow blogger, Hustle Crowe. That request? "Teach me how to preserve my sexy".
At that point, I promised Hustle I'd pay more attention to the needs of the guys. How so? Well, I've decided to do a series of posts for men called "Preserve Your Sexy" (or PYS).
Naturally, when I hear that phrase, I think of the man who made it famous, Sean "P. Diddy" Combs and decided to do some research on how Diddy preserves his sexy.
In Diddy's 2007 appearance on the Conan O'Brien show he claimed that his skin care regimen gave him the "softest skin in the world" and insisted O'Brien see for himself. Shocked, O'Brien touched Diddy's arm and proclaimed "Oh my God, it's like butter".
Diddy's skin care regimen consists of a hot shower. Then he allows his skin to "air dry" by dancing around in a little less than many of us would care to imagine. Unfortunately, Diddy's dance won't yield butter-soft skin, for most, but at least your lady will like it!
If you aren't as fortunate as my man, Diddy and your goal is to have skin like "butter", you first have to commit to a regimen that consists of more than washing with bar soap.
So here are the basics: Wash, exfoliate & tone and moisturize
If you have dry skin, find a cream-based cleanser that won't strip your skin of it's essential oils. If your skin is oily, you want a gel cleanser with salicylic or alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that will help clear your pores. hypo-allergenic, fragrance free cleansers work well for sensitive skin.
Exfoliating adds a few minutes to this process but its well worth it. What is it? Exfoliation is a method that sloughs off dead skin cells that clog pores to reveal fresh, new skin underneath. You can use a scrub or other exfoliator about once a week.
A toner is used to finish the cleaning process by removing excess dead skin, oils and product that may be left on the skin.
Moisturizing is key. You may wonder why you use a toner to get rid of oil and then you go piling it back on? Well, look at it like this, the toner gets rid of the bad and the moisturizer gives your skin the good. The right moisturizer contains nutrients that are delivered right into the skin.
Here are some skin care lines to get you started

P.S. ladies should use the "basics" too